

Milivoje Hadžijojić and Marko Ćosić. 2D-polar histogram with varying radial and azimuthal spacing // Book of Abstracts of Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Mathematical Modeling of High-Tech Systems 2024 (ITTMM 2024), pp 59. URL:

Olga Deeva, Marko Ćosić, Inna Kolesnikova, and Sanja Zoran Despotović. An algorithm on the preprocessing optical microscopy image // Collection of Materials of Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Mathematical Modeling of High-Tech Systems 2024 (ITTMM 2024), pp. 443-449, 2024. URL:

Пронских Е. В., Колесникова И. А., Северюхин Ю. С., Утина Д. М., Голикова К. Н., Храмко Т. С., Лалковичова М., Молоканов А. Г. Исследование модифицирующего влияния 1-β-D-арабинофуранозилцитозина на иммунный статус крыс в отдаленный период при действии протонов // Письма в ЭЧАЯ. 5, 1026–1032, 2024.

О. К. Деева, М. Чосич, И. А. Колесникова, О. И. Стрельцова Классификация клеток гиппокампа с помощью алгоритмов машинного обучения // Системный анализ в науке и образовании. 2, 1–8, 2024. URL:


I. A. Kolesnikova, M. Lalkovičova, Yu. S. Severyukhin, K. N. Golikova, D. M. Utina, E. V. Pronskikh, Sanja Z. Despotović, V. N. Gaevsky, D. Pirić, R. Masnikosa & N. N. Budennaya The Effects of Whole Body Gamma Irradiation on Mice, Age-Related Behavioral, and Pathophysiological Changes // Cell Mol Neurobiol 43, 3723–3741, 2023. DOI:


Sanja Z. Despotović, M. Ćosić, The Morphological Analysis of the Collagen Fiber Straightness in the Healthy Uninvolved Human Colon Mucosa Away From the Cancer // Front. Phys., 13 July 2022. DOI:


Yu. S. Severyukhin, M. Lalkovičová, I. A. Kolesnikova, D. M. Utina, K. N. Lyakhova, V. N. Gaevsky, The effect of piracetam on behavioral reactions of adult rats and morphological changes in the brain after whole body fractionated gamma irradiation: an exploratory study // Radiat. Environ. Biophys., 60, 73–86 (2021).

M. Ćosić, M. Hadžijojić, S. Petrović, R. Rymzhanov, Morphological study of the rainbow scattering of protons by graphene // Chaos, 31, 9 (2021).


I. Kolesnikova, A. Nechaevskiy, D. Podgainy, A. Stadnik, A. Streltsov, O. Streltsova, Information System for Radiobiological Studies // Proceedings of the Information System for the Tasks of Radiation Biology Workshop (ISRB2020) 1–6, (2020).

I. Kolesnikova, N. Budennaya, Y. Severiukhin, M. Lalkovicova, Об Алгоритмическом Подходе Распознавания Клеток Сенсомоторной Коры Головного Мозга по Фотоизображениям // Proceedings of the Information System for the Tasks of Radiation Biology Workshop (ISRB2020) 7–16, (2020).

A. Stadnik, A. Streltsov, O. Streltsova, Algorithms Based on Neural Network Approach for Image Segmentation in Research Morphofunctional Changes in the Central Nervous System // Proceedings of the Information System for the Tasks of Radiation Biology Workshop (ISRB2020) 39–47 (2020).

M. Ćosić, S. Petrović, S. Bellucci, On the phase-space catastrophes in dynamics of the quantum
particle in an optical lattice potential // Chaos, 31, 103107 (2020).


K. N Lyakhova, I. A. Kolesnikova, D. M. Utina, Yu. S. Severyukhin, N. N. Budennaya, A. N. Abrosimova, A. G. Molokanov, M. Lalkovičova, A. A. Ivanov, Morphofunctional Indicators of the Effects of Protons on the Central Nervous System // Med. Radiol. Radiat. Saf., 64, 2, 75–81, (2019).

M. Ćosić, M. Hadžijojić, R. Rymzhanov, S. Petrović, S. Bellucci, Investigation of the graphene
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M. Vujicic, T. Saksida, S. Despotovic, S. S. Bajić, I. Lalić, I. Koprivica, D. Gajic, N. Golic, M. Tolinacki, and I. Stojanovic, The Role of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor in the Function of Intestinal Barrier // Scientific Reports, 8, 6337 (2018).


S. Z. Despotović, N. M. Milićević, D. P. Milošević, N. Despotović, P. Erceg, P. Svorcan et al. Remodeling of extracellular matrix of the lamina propria in the uninvolved human rectal mucosa 10 cm and 20 cm away from the malignant tumor // Tumor Biol., 39, 7, 1–10 (2017).